1. Your brain produces enough energy to power a small light bulb.

Even if you’re not the brightest bulb, your brain uses electricity to send signals through your nerves. The amount of electricity (15-20 watts to be exact) does indeed power a light bulb.

turned on pendant lamp


2. Your stomach acid could eat holes in your skin.

Stomach acid consists of hydrochloric acid and enzymes which can destroy some metals. *Warning* Don’t vomit on yourself. It is harmful both physically and socially, trust me.

several laboratory glasses


3. The average human eats around 35 tons of food in a lifetime.

Eating 4 to 5 pounds of food a day, human beings are are leaning towards the bigger side. That’s not gonna stop me from eating an after-dinner snack.



4. Humans spend up to 5 years of their lives blinking.

Human blink, on average, 28,800 times a day. We do this to keep our eyes lubricated and washed of debris. Good thing we can do things while blinking or else we wouldn’t be able to do much.

beautiful blue eyes close up dhyamis kleber


5. Women cry 30-64 times a year, while men cry 6-17 times.

This is true for a lot of people, even if some people cry way much more than this *clears throat.* Much more.

baby child close up crying


6. The speed of a sneeze is about 100 miles per hour.

Faster than a cheetah, your sneeze could win the Olympic track races if it wanted to.

woman touching her nose


7. On average you swallow a quart of snot a day.

1.5 liters of mucus is produced in your body, even if you’re not sick, so grab a cup and drink up!



8. Blushing causes the lining of your stomach to redden.

As strange as it seems, the lining of your stomach does change color when you feel embarrassed. Like the time you fell asleep on the bus only to wake up at the bus department.



9. Similarly to your fingerprint, everyone has a different tongue print.

Despite the fact you probably can’t differentiate between your tongue and your friend’s tongue, it would still be cool to try. Right? Wait, right?  




10. Humans glow in the dark.

Although we cannot see this “glow” with our own eyes, many animals who have infrared vision can. So if you were in a dark room with an animal, you better hope it’s not a snake.

Image result for infrared person


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